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Val d'Ayas

Le village d'Antagnod

De: Visit Brusson


Antagnod, is one of the hamlets of the municipality of Ayas and, since 2008, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Located at the foot of Monte Zerbion, at 1728 meters above sea level and overlooking Monte Rosa, this position makes it a charming and charming village. Snow lovers spend their holidays in Antagnod also for the pretty old town and the views offered by the enchanting Ayas Valley.

Antagnod: the ancient village of Antagnod has a small but well-kept center, where you can see the typical wooden huts with sharp roofs and the winding streets with low fences. Among the characteristic buildings, to see the Maison Merlet,  inside which there is a permanent exhibition of typical local crafts, and the Maison Challant.

Also worth seeing is the Church of Saint Martin de Tours, with its bell tower that stands out among the chimneys of the houses. Completely rebuilt in 1839 on a construction of the late fifteenth century. The Baroque altar inside, consecrated in 1716, is made of carved, painted and gilded wood, enriched by numerous statues. Villa Rivetti is the seat of the Town Hall, dating back to 1924, was the summer residence of the former President of the Republic Giuseppe Saragat. In the cemetery chapel, there is the Museum of Sacred Art of Ayas, Champoluc and Antagnod.

Known primarily as a ski resort, it offers much more to its visitors. Priceless view of Monte Rosa that can be admired from here on clear days.


Antagnod et son paronama

Antagnod et son paronama


Offire Regional du Tourisme

Email: valdayas@turismo.vda.it

Téléphone: 0125 300240

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