Legend has it that near Pracharbon, on the slopes of Mount Zerbion, there were once two villages, Peret and Veret. Higher up, in Pormonere, there was instead a large lake that one night overflowed, sweeping away the two settlements. Some say that in these places, centuries later, the voices and lamentations of the disappeared could still be heard, and for this reason a prayer chapel was built. Whether it is history or legend, surely Sasch Fendus is a magical place: a paleofrana made up of huge blocks of rock, now covered with moss and vegetation. Natural tunnels and ravines alternate with gentle green expanses smelling of resin, places where encounters with elves and goblins would not be surprising.
Val d'Ayas
Pracharbon and Sasch Fendus: magic, myths and legends
Vanished villages, moss-covered cyclopean boulders and the magical sounds of the forest: at the foot of Mount Zerbion a mysterious place that smacks of magic.
By: Comune di Ayas
Altitude: 1500 m
Pracharbon, 11020 Ayas AO